Like Birds in a Windstorm by Susan Green
Potawatomi Trail of Death Assn.
A Branch of Fulton County Historical Society, Inc.
37 E 375 N, Rochester, IN 46975 574-223-4436 Monday - Saturday 9 to 5.
Websites: www.fultoncountyhistory.org and www.potawatomi-tda.org
For information call editor Shirley Willard, 574-223-2352
Do you need a program? This DVD is perfect for your historical society, museum or club.
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________ ”Like Birds in a Wind Storm” DVD, $15 free shipping. 1 hour, documentary made by Susan Green’s YourStory Digital with support of Citizen Potawatomi Nation, contains parts of Trail of Death caravans 1988-2013, narrated by Shirley Willard. Contains interviews with Potawatomi George Godfrey, Bob Pearl and Sister Virginia Pearl, Jon Boursaw, and more. Music by George Schricker & others. Acting by Bill Wamego as Chief Menominee, Erin Locke, Trail of Courage participants and shooters. Published 2016.
________ Potawatomi Trail of Death 1838 Removal from Indiana to Kansas. $40 free shipping. Published 2003 by Fulton County Historical Society. Edited by Shirley Willard, Fulton County Historian, and Susan Campbell, Citizen Potawatomi Nation. 448 pages, soft cover, maps, primary sources: Father Benjamin Petit's letters, diary of 1838 Trail of Death, muster rolls, list of soldiers and officers, George Winter pictures of Potawatomi on Trail of Death, some John Tipton letters, histories of Chief Menominee, William Polke, St Philippine Duchesne, biographies of Potawatomi families who have ancestors on Trail of Death by Susan Campbell, Tom Hamilton, Sister Virginia Pearl, Eileen Pearl, Don Perrot, Jim Thunder, and Dagmar Thorpe; bibliography, index, more.
Find out the truth, authenticated with research in microfilm in National Archives, Father Petit baptismal records at Notre Dame University, death records at Sugar Creek, Kansas, and information from Indiana Historical Society and the artist George Winter, eye witness to Trail of Death.
Excerpt from Potawatomi Trail of Death
Forty treaties were signed by Potawatomi, more treaties than any other U.S. Indian tribe. There were Potawatomi warriors in many battles, both won and lost by the Indians. Some Potawatomi from the territory that became Indiana fought in the Battle of Fallen Timbers in Ohio in 1794. There were many Potawatomi in the Battle of Tippecanoe when Tecumseh’s brother, Tenskwatawa The Prophet, was defeated by General William Henry Harrison in November 1811. Potawatomi fought on the side of Tecumseh and the British in the War of 1812. Potawatomi were in on the fighting at the siege of Fort Dearborn (Chicago) and Fort Wayne in 1812. But 24 years later they were living peacefully in northern Indiana and southern Michigan, trying to be farmers and adjust themselves to living among white men. Many of them had been baptized by Baptist and Catholic missionaries. Some of the old warriors were still alive and were forced to move west in the 1830s. -- Shirley Willard, Fulton County Historian.
Total cost $ _____________ Make check to Potawatomi Trail of Death Assn., 37 E 375 N, Rochester IN 46975.
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