Hours & Admissions
Mon - Fri:
9am - 5pm

9am - 5pm


Closed Holidays
For an interesting and unique field trip, bring your class to visit the Round Barn Museum with its antique farm tools and horse-drawn machinery, the Fulton County Museum with its 17 (yes, 17!) exhibit rooms, and A Living History Village called Loyal, Indiana shown above which includes six buildings, railroad track, and a caboose. We have put together an all-day program which includes a gallery and exhibit tour with an included Museum Treasure Hunt, the NEW Treasure Hunt in the Round Barn and Living History Village, an Indian history video of this area, which relates the Trail of Death (the forced removal of Potawatomi Indians from Indiana to Kansas in 1838), a visit to the museum gift shop with educational historic items and books - all very affordable! - and weather permitting, old-time, one-room school recess games on the lawn with an optional river trail hike. No admission is charged, but a donation of $1.50 per person is requested to further efforts to preserve our history for future generations.
Come and visit us soon!!!
Our Meeting Halls and Museum Grounds are available for rental for your next event. Approval is at the sole discretion of the museum director and the board. Determinations will be made based on the availability and type of event. Please download pdf to read all of the guidelines and fee schedules. Hope to see you soon.